
Update about the Jeon Family
          	>If I unpublished The Jeon Family and instead created a series of books covering
          	1) How they met 
          	2) Life with Juhyo 
          	3) Life after High School 
          	How would y'all react to it? Not doing it now, just let me know :)


@Jungkooksthighs9795 i would prefer the book this way itself... Adding their past story in between present... 


Update about the Jeon Family
          >If I unpublished The Jeon Family and instead created a series of books covering
          1) How they met 
          2) Life with Juhyo 
          3) Life after High School 
          How would y'all react to it? Not doing it now, just let me know :)


@Jungkooksthighs9795 i would prefer the book this way itself... Adding their past story in between present... 


How do we feel about an AU where Taehyung is an angel and Jungkook a devil. The two share the same human, but Jungkook is a little too serious at his job and makes Taehyungs life miserable as well?
          So the head angel and the head devil conspire a plan where they have to stay with each other and get along for a week?
          Note**** It will be a crack, fluff, and angst AU