
ich wusste extraordinary zu lesen würde mich umbringen, ich hatte recht. ich sollte mich nicht zu sehr in deine wunderbar geschrieben geschichten reinsteigern, aber ich tue es, das ist mein ding weißt du? ich hoffe du hörst niemals auf zu schreiben, ich bin süchtig. dieser text ergibt vielleicht nicht immer wirklich sinn aber ich heule und dafür ist das glaub ich ganz okay.


@ louislovedharryfirst  oh mein gott sorry, dass ich nicht früher geantwortet habe, aber ich hab das erst jetzt gesehen. Tschuldigung. Das tut mir voll leid.
            & danke danke danke. Ich bin so froh, dass dir meine Geachichte gefällt & dass du dir die Zeit nimmst & sie liest. & kein Problem ich hab alles verstanden, was du geschrieben hast. Mich macht das grad richtig glücklich. Dankeschön. :) <33


hahahaha I laughed so hard at the part you wrote in Greek hahahah
          Awww that's pretty cute
          Sad superer does not exiiist #crymeariver
          It will be MY word..don't steal it Mädchen
          Erm..MÜLLER IS AWESOME! Like yeah..I like Robben also. You are a football fan? I have a football fan stalker that supports Bayern and comes from Germ. That's an honour! Ohh and has got a friend that has met Müller...never going to forget it
          Yep we learn German in school. We have to chose as a second foreign (i wrote wrongly i think) language french or germ. French are..french..but german are DEUTSCH! So I chose it ^^
          But in school our level of learning is not rlly high...because most of the kids dont study and stuff. That's why I learn privately with my auntie. She is really good! So yeah..I an learning Germ froom..11 years old and english from 6 :)
          Oh yeah he was. Shawn is original!!
          So you can write in German..for practice. I understand them better that writing them...
          So yeah!
          Thanks for answeriiing Lisaa
          *I am Emilyyy*


Heyyy! I read that you are from Germ (Balconical Converstations)
          Pretty cool!! I love Germany!! 
          I am from Greece so no worries about your Greek!
          Du bist super, aber ich bin superer( does it even exists??? xp)
          So you have got a good taste in music!
          Would you like to check my Shawn Mendes lyrics book? If you don't know him....HE IS AN AWESOME RISING STAAAR!
          Hahah you must be freaked out
          No worries I am friendlyy
          Ich wunsche dir(oder dich xp. I am killing Dativ and Akkusativ the whole time)
          ein schön Tag!


@readitbackwards okay i'm literally smiling rn at my laptopscreen like a weirdo.  what is life? hahahaha & i don't know if there's a supalative of super.....
            .....okay i googled it & there's not but you are still supere than me :')
            & thanks. yours too (i read your bio & yes i'm a stalker :')) & omg müller is my king. one of my friends once met him at a horse fair (is that the right word idk) (his wife has horses by herself) i was so jealous.
            & yes i will check out your lyrics book & i know like one song by him, i think he was on mtv push wasn't he?
            & dir is correct.
            are you learning german in school, cause your german is pretty well or are you useing a magical translator , that manages to nearly be as good as a native speaker.
            Σας εύχομαι επίσης μια υπέροχη μέρα
            (idk if this is in anyway correct, google translator helped me &  it's  probably wrong, but at least i triedXD)


I'm mainly into alternative. I really like Lana del Rey, Hozier, Birdy, Ed Sheeran, etc. but like everything. Sleeping with sirens, Queen, 1D, etc.


@ThatGirlSabrina hey your musictaste is great :) if you're also listening to the 1975, bring me the horizon, arctic monkeys & nirvana, we have basically the same taste in music.