
dum de dum de da...let's check on The Hollow Creed...HOLY SHI- 6K???


Attention all my Wings of Fire fans out there!
          As you know, I have a Wings of Fire story in the works. I have thought things over and gave revised to make that book the first in a fan made arc 4! Expect a title change and many other changes and revamps in the near future!
          Take to the skies!


Okay, so I’m gonna make this clear. My hoyoverse stories aren’t gonna be “male reader becomes part of the main story and gets a harem.”
          My stories are fully fledged fanfiction. Original stories set within those worlds. That also happen to have a male reader who gets a harem. And that the stories won’t be completely in the reader’s perspective.
          Makes it feel like an actual story.


          I am considering making an AO3 account to write some…*adult* stories and parts for my existing stories.
          I do not want any of my stories to be deleted by Wattpad and this is the only feasible way i can think of.
          If you are interested in seeing this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respond!


@chezburget ask, and you shall receive 


@Junior21135 I'm interested in seeing this. I don't have an AO3 account, but I'll probably make one so I can read you stories. 