Since I can't do this on the account itself bc Wattpad is being weird. I used to be FloraAndFriends. I transitioned. I am Mago(they/he) now. Me and the original FUFUs got into a fight, because I got impatient with one person for disappearing from an rp despite being on for multiple hours that week. I had tagged her and asked her why she was ignoring the rp. I got kicked from the server and cursed at from one of the FUFUs. Then when I asked why I was being ignored to another FUFU, she said because everyone can't have a main character, which is ignoring the fact that at least half of the server had two-three main characters while everyone else besides me had one. I got mad and left bc I could barely control my emotions, so I invited my friend for emotional support in confronting that FUFU. however she invited a bunch of people, spread lies in my face, then got them to taunt me for having a friend of the opposite gender(at the time, we're both the same gender now lol). That also insensitive bc at the time I was being peer-pressured into dating someone irl, and was getting out of a toxic online relationship. Then a year later, she tried to apologize in a way that just sounded like victim blaming and now I realize she was trying to suicide guilt trip me(one of the signs of suicide is trying to make amends with everyone). I have all the FUFUs blocked besides the main one who deleted her account. I'm not naming any names. I will admit I did act... irresponsibly, and I apologize for that if any FUFUs are reading. I was under a lot of stress and was immature and young. It however did leave me with a lot of trauma and trust issues that I'm still working through. I had to get this off my chest. It's been haunting me for years... that's all. Mago, signing out.