
Okay so I don’t actually know if any of you guys read these but I’ll put it up anyway, I’m really super sorry for not updating in a long time, the end of the school year had a bunch of activities and I actually wanted to participate, I also wanted to be more social so I made plans with friends for the summer. But now that school is finally over and I don’t have any major plans in my way, though I am working on a big project (I don’t think I’m able to talk about it yet so I won’t be saying anything major about it) but it will take some time away from writing chapters as I’m an author and I have to write a few chapters in the span of a week. So Im going to be coming back and adding a few more chapters before ending ‘White Paladin’ and starting the second book of the series, I’m going to have to think of names for the new book and honestly I don’t have any  So I’ll let you guys PM me to suggest names. If there’s a few that I like the most and can’t decide from I’ll let you guys vote on your favourite. Well that’s all I have to update for now and I hope to get a new chapter out soon!
          	Peace out ✌️


Okay so I don’t actually know if any of you guys read these but I’ll put it up anyway, I’m really super sorry for not updating in a long time, the end of the school year had a bunch of activities and I actually wanted to participate, I also wanted to be more social so I made plans with friends for the summer. But now that school is finally over and I don’t have any major plans in my way, though I am working on a big project (I don’t think I’m able to talk about it yet so I won’t be saying anything major about it) but it will take some time away from writing chapters as I’m an author and I have to write a few chapters in the span of a week. So Im going to be coming back and adding a few more chapters before ending ‘White Paladin’ and starting the second book of the series, I’m going to have to think of names for the new book and honestly I don’t have any  So I’ll let you guys PM me to suggest names. If there’s a few that I like the most and can’t decide from I’ll let you guys vote on your favourite. Well that’s all I have to update for now and I hope to get a new chapter out soon!
          Peace out ✌️


Hey everyone, this is an update for anyone who reads White Paladin, my keyboard has been broken so it may take me a bit longer to update but I will still try and get something out, what exclusive chapter do you want to see next? Ex Easter, April fools, etc


Okay wow, only maybe two(?) weeks ago we were at 16k, and now its 20!? Wow! I srsly love you guys! You guys are so fricken amazing and are my motivation to keep writing, knowing that people like what I post, just thank you guys for 20k.
          Mini update, I'll be releasing the Exclusive Halloween chapter on October 31st, at 6 pm EST, it is longer than a normal chapter would be as it is basically in sorts, a mini story, but that is when Im going to be releasing the chapter! So check the time zones and stay tuned! (Im sorry for any readers that are im different time zones and this comes out when you're either at school, getting ready for bed, are supposed to be sleeping, doing homework, etc and EST stands for Eastern standerd time!)
          Peace out✌✨


Okay wow, only in september I had 4k and now its the middle of october and now its 16k!? Wow, Im proud to know that people like my book and Im proud to have you guys as my followers and readers, you guys are literally the sunshine on my cloudy day, so give yourselves a pat on the back and hug yourself because you guys are seriously amazing
          Now a little update, Im releasing a chapter on halloween, and other holidays, these are going to be exclusive chapters that are for fun and to fix people's broken hearts xD but they wont be tied to the main story and will have their own mini angst.
          Love you guys
          Peace out 


Hey guys! Ill be starting school tomorrow so I was wondering if we could get that last hundred and get to 4k! Also, It make's me really happy when you guys leave comments saying you love my book or that you want to deck a character (it makes me laugh).
          Since Im starting school tomorrow chapters might be a bit delayed but otherwise Ill try to keep the exact same schedule going.
          Now the last part, best for last after all!
          Thank you guys so so so so much for all the comments and how quickly the book has spread, I honestly thought I would abandon this book after awhile but now that I see people actually love it, well it makes me want to write more, so thank you guys for commenting and reading my book, and thank you guys so so so much for getting me this far, because without you guys I dont think this book would've gone on for so long.
          Peace out - Juniper✌✨