
I almost forgot to mention.
          	I'll be changing some characters' names so that the story won't be as awkward. Yes, one of the characters is someone really close to (Y/N) and the other is the love interest of (Y/N)' friend.


@ JuoChang  hey at just saw your fanfiction on your old account ! a good one by the way  but did you republished it on this account? I'm sorry if I didn't understand well  English isn't my first language 


I almost forgot to mention.
          I'll be changing some characters' names so that the story won't be as awkward. Yes, one of the characters is someone really close to (Y/N) and the other is the love interest of (Y/N)' friend.


@ JuoChang  hey at just saw your fanfiction on your old account ! a good one by the way  but did you republished it on this account? I'm sorry if I didn't understand well  English isn't my first language 


I work so slow— I'm so sorry ; u ;
          But I am almost finished with the transfer. I did say in my announcement that I'll be keeping the chapters raw but now that I reread the entire fanfic, uh... I'll be doing some major revising.
          I'm just cutting out some parts that I think were cringe. Also I'll be making it more appropriate and mature but not too mature because that would be boring. Some jokes would still be there but there will be a lot of changes in the dialogue.