
well well well....
          	I'm not dead! (somehow.) 
          	A lot has changed in my life and gone down, and I've been in a bit of a rut with writing recently. 
          	I am coming back! ... ish, I'm also migrating to ao3, I plan to post here and there to make sure no matter what platform you are on, you can enjoy my content.
          	As well as that, as I age, my content is going to mature with me, so different aspects in my book may be a bit more mature then they have been. 
          	Anyways, I'm happy to be back, and will hopefully be posing a new chapter of oddities soonish! 
          	You Sleep Paralysis Demon, OUT!


well well well....
          I'm not dead! (somehow.) 
          A lot has changed in my life and gone down, and I've been in a bit of a rut with writing recently. 
          I am coming back! ... ish, I'm also migrating to ao3, I plan to post here and there to make sure no matter what platform you are on, you can enjoy my content.
          As well as that, as I age, my content is going to mature with me, so different aspects in my book may be a bit more mature then they have been. 
          Anyways, I'm happy to be back, and will hopefully be posing a new chapter of oddities soonish! 
          You Sleep Paralysis Demon, OUT!


Hey everyone! 
          So I think it's a shock to no one when I say I've been absent for a while. Don't worry, I've been alright. A lot of stuff has been changing in my life and some other things have gone down, so motivation for things I enjoy doing has been a little hard to get recently. I'm hoping to post the rest of "My Kevlar Surrounded Heart" soon, because I have 1-2 chapters left to write, so that's fun. I'm hoping to start coming back soon, I just need motivation and ideas. So if you guys have any ideas for any of my books, I'd love to hear them! Just dm me and I'll give them a read whenever I can! 
          Also, feel free to dm me anytime! 
          and, I'm planning to do a little Q&A soon, so if you have any questions you would like answered, dm them to me! 
          Alright, I'm out lol.


Hello there my caticornians. Soo I wanted to explain some things. My older books (Just out of reach, Lean on me, opposites attract, and Darkness) are all going to be unpublished as soon as my rewrites make it to the point they ended. I dont want a million books. SOO to let you guys be able to still read and compare. At the bottom of eat rewrite will be the original. if you WANT to reread it


OK hello my readers. I wanted to explain a bit of what's going on. FIRST, I've been feeling very unmotivated soo thats making my work suffer, and SECOND: I dont think I'll be keeping all of my books, specifically "Met you in orange". dont get me wrong, I love the book and I love the story. its just difficult rewriting situations that have already occured. if I DO delete it, I will be making a new story that is BASED off of it, same characters but situations are gonna be much much different. so, tell me what you guys think!


the first 4 chapters of My New book "Once in a lifetime" is almost ready to be typed out and posted! I hope you're excited!


@watermelon_caticorn1 Yay! Keep it up! Love your work!


@watermelon_caticorn1 I am! Supporting all the way!


Ok my lovely peeps, I've decided to take a small break from writing to take a moment to plan out all my books and figure out what I want to do with some of them. So for now, no updates on books till further notice! 
          Please bear with me as I try to get my life together!


@watermelon_caticorn1 Get it! Love your works, and I can't wait to see what you have in store! Planning is necessary; we all need some kind of roadmap, whether that be in our heads or detailed out like those AAA pamphlet things my dad gets for vacation (don't judge xD). Anyway, good luck!


@watermelon_caticorn1  Good luck with that. I'm here to support you all the way :)


          I am planning on updating a Book tonight!! And was wondering: what would you guys like to see more of?
          Would you like to see:
          More of Opposites Attract
          More of Lean on me
          More of Just out of Reach
          Orrr a New Book :3
          Tell me what you wanna see and a ch will be posted hopefully later tonight!
          Thats all for now my fabulous Followers


@watermelon_caticorn1 Ah, that's a tough one...Imma have to go with Just Out of Reach
            Good luck!