
Hey everyone I haven’t written in quite some time and I’m not going to I’m just not able to think of things to write like I used to and maybe someday I’ll come back and write but as of right now I just can’t I deeply apologize this is something I’ve been sitting on for awhile 


Hey everyone I haven’t written in quite some time and I’m not going to I’m just not able to think of things to write like I used to and maybe someday I’ll come back and write but as of right now I just can’t I deeply apologize this is something I’ve been sitting on for awhile 


Hello everyone I’m sorry I for not be updating any story’s for quite awhile I’m suffering quite a lot with mental health issues I’m sorry I can’t provide anything I would love to I just can’t seem to get the motivation or drive to do this thank you for the support I will write again someday it just may not be for a long while 


@Jupiter_Moon_San Hey, it’s okay, take your time, quality over quantity right…? ^_^ ❤️xx  


Happy Pride Month everyone! I'm a bisexual what is your sexuality (it ok if you don't want to say I just want to know if I have some lgbtq+ members following me sorry I'm weird like that)