
Hello Lotuses/everyone. I can't Update any stories for some time.. I just kinda lost motivation.. I lost my kitten, she was in a lot of pain since Yesterday. She was bitten by my dog.. Like my dog was trying to move her away from her favorite spot, but accidentally broke her right front leg.. 
          	I'm really sorry for extending It even more.. I deeply apologize...


Hello Lotuses/everyone. I can't Update any stories for some time.. I just kinda lost motivation.. I lost my kitten, she was in a lot of pain since Yesterday. She was bitten by my dog.. Like my dog was trying to move her away from her favorite spot, but accidentally broke her right front leg.. 
          I'm really sorry for extending It even more.. I deeply apologize...


Well, I was going to just try to concentrate half my time on trying to finish “Daydream” but Our Examination day starts Next week ( Thursday, and on my birthday-). I Be going on the library again with my sitmate. I am already not updating much, but I still wanted to announce it for no reason–
          Anyways Hope you all have a great Day/After/Night/Evening!^^


~•Sneak Peeks•~
          Will Find A Way..||MDZS||:
          “Senior Yao why are you still awake, it's already 11pm” said the person who had just got by Meng Yao's side.
          It startled him as he did not expect or did not notice the person's presence. He then looks up from where he is sitting and gives a small smile when he finds out who it is.
          When the young blond heard that they were called Children he then gasp and made a offended sound.
          “WERE NOT CHILDRENS” Tommy response in a offended tone
          Techno snorted at Tommy's retort.
          Phil always finds this a childish act of Tommy


this message may be offensive
Wait hol' up.. you're the gachatuber?? Holy shit!! Hi! I didn't recognize you until I saw your book- and I heard you like DreamXD and Dream siblings au (thanks to your yt post) you can check out my "The Infection" book and also "Wolfleen High" this is an XD and Dream siblings au


@Bruhimmakickyah Yeah I am (^▽^), I'll go check it Later/Tomorrow cause I have to wash the dishes-


Hi I came from your youtube and I just want to say you are amazing and keep up the good work!


@JustAAverageEmo you are welcome and just never doubt your self if you do you are one of the most amazing gachatuber I have ever seem


@GuitriBissun ooh thank you ( ◜‿◝ )♡