You may have noticed I haven't updated in a while. I forgot my password, sorry guys TvT Anyway, here is the important part. I'm moving to AO3 I'm sorry, I remember when I'd get angry that an author I liked moved to AO3, but I just don't have the inspiration on Wattpad anymore. I was hugely addicted to it, but only got this account towards the end of that addiction, meaning I wasn't motivated to write loads. Will I continue my stories? Probably not. I still like the countryhumans community, however it is now more of a side fandom. I'm mainly interested (addicted) in Murder Drones at the time of this announcement. So for now, all my stories are discontinued. I'm sorry to anyone who enjoyed the stories I wrote. You never know, I might come back and update them, but it is very unlikely. Thank you to this crazy story writing platform and everyone on it for the wonderful stories and experiences. I will probably log on every now and then just to see whats happening, but other than that, I shall be on AO3. I hope everyone has a wonderful life, and see y'all on the other side! If you're interested, this is my AO3 account, check it out if you want :) https://archiveofourown.org/users/JustABritishTeacup ❤

@JustABritishTeaCup aahhh bye pooks:(( we will miss you Just remember, I live in Britain and I WILL FIND YOU. YOU CANT RUN (I'm not leaving Kent to look for you tho so if you don't live in Kent then you're safe)