
     Happy Birthday- to my little brother! Isaiah!!! Love you zaeee 


I meant to put this up Sunday but... You know stuff happens. 
          Anyway, I have a new story up. Its titled: "He...Wants Me?" -this story will be updated every Sunday. So if you want to read it, go check it out. ;) I have been kind of hesitant about posting it, but I figured since I already have like the first 6 chapters written, why not share it? 
          Enjoy it! 


Also...I have decided to be completely honest in my profile....So here you are check it out....
          Please do not judge me for my race, gender, or religion. I have been verbally attacked because people say 'Oh because you're a christian, you don't support gay marriage.' 
          I have a bunch of gay friends and I honestly don't care what you do. It's not my place to judge so I don't. If you like a guy and you're a guy...okay then. if you like a girl and you're a girl...okay then. 
          I just wanted to be honest with the people who are following me. It wouldn't be right if they knew nothing about me.
          I've decided to open myself up to the public, please don't make me regret that decision. PLEASE? 
          Thanks you guys. 
          p.s. this is how I will sign off from now on.