
aven't read all of DL. Dark Fate yet. But I am gonna review/Rating them anyways. And I'll post the whole string here because I kinda do wanna share. 
          	From the base of reading of Vanded Carnival. I'll go from worst to best. 
          	1. Kanato Sakamaki. 
          	Final rating: 3/5.
          	Actually, it's not too bad. It had a good progress and no Unnecessary fork stabbing. Kanato did go threw a development phase, like he actually started to apologize to Yui and trying hardest to protect her. I'd say that's the best version of Kanato I've seen so far. So great.
          	Maybe I am saying this from a general biase... But kanato isn't really my favorite, he does nag Yui about stuff. But that's only prominent in Dark. Most of Manic and Ecstasy is spend on the story so props to that. 
          	Also, Reiji did say that they might have to war to which I waiting for but.. Like, Carla just smashed them all and I was not hyped anymore. 
          	The ending was a little... Wierd? Like they left it a little abruptly. Like... Yui and Kanato hug it out, man was about to destroy the demon world and a hug stopped him? Power of love ig. 
          	Overall it was good so. Yeah. Not memorable but fine. At least it's not a 1/5 like last time. 
          	(Ayato coming soon) 


this message may be offensive
          	  2. Ayato Sakamaki. 
          	  Final rating: 5/5!? 
          	  like holly fuck, wow what the fuck. Oh my god i- this was so fucking good. Like, oh my god I am crying over here. 
          	  I was about give it a 4.5/5 but FUCK THEY GET MARRIED AND IT'S SO SWEET. Like. This man. This man was so sweet all the way, like he was a cutie patooti, pookie bear. Got me kicking my feet and giggling like a little girl. 
          	  No only they were cute, they were going their normal troop stuff too, AND WERE CUTE. And and, the main story was also actually good. I was worried about Cordelia returning, like I was about to give up on this but god fuck me she was worth it actually. They gave her somewhat a human-ish role (which I personally don't like but they handled it well). 
          	  Cordelia explains about her relationship with KarlHainz and even started to get along with Yui a little bit... In her own unique way but she does. 
          	  The thing that got me was when Ayato called her 'mom' in the ending parts (not exactly that word but he doesn't call her a old hag) 
          	  The characters were so fucking funny. Like... Laito actually talked normally and how he was kinda excited about the wedding but left because everyone left- lol-. 
          	  Ayato didn't actually do anything violent, he was sweet most of the time. HE TRIED TO COOK TOKUYAKI BUT FAILED SO THEY COOKED TOGETHER. Which. Like. Is so adorable. He likes head pats too, and hugs. And oh my god Puppy. Absolutely puppy. 
          	  I am just... I am so.. Happy? Like. This was amazing. And surprised me because Vandead carnival didn't give me much hope, it was a 2/5 then. But this some good shit.
          	  *smooch smooch* I knew this guy was a cutie patootie. He just needed a good story. 


(Ignore my spelling mistakes it's 3:00 am-) 


aven't read all of DL. Dark Fate yet. But I am gonna review/Rating them anyways. And I'll post the whole string here because I kinda do wanna share. 
          From the base of reading of Vanded Carnival. I'll go from worst to best. 
          1. Kanato Sakamaki. 
          Final rating: 3/5.
          Actually, it's not too bad. It had a good progress and no Unnecessary fork stabbing. Kanato did go threw a development phase, like he actually started to apologize to Yui and trying hardest to protect her. I'd say that's the best version of Kanato I've seen so far. So great.
          Maybe I am saying this from a general biase... But kanato isn't really my favorite, he does nag Yui about stuff. But that's only prominent in Dark. Most of Manic and Ecstasy is spend on the story so props to that. 
          Also, Reiji did say that they might have to war to which I waiting for but.. Like, Carla just smashed them all and I was not hyped anymore. 
          The ending was a little... Wierd? Like they left it a little abruptly. Like... Yui and Kanato hug it out, man was about to destroy the demon world and a hug stopped him? Power of love ig. 
          Overall it was good so. Yeah. Not memorable but fine. At least it's not a 1/5 like last time. 
          (Ayato coming soon) 


this message may be offensive
            2. Ayato Sakamaki. 
            Final rating: 5/5!? 
            like holly fuck, wow what the fuck. Oh my god i- this was so fucking good. Like, oh my god I am crying over here. 
            I was about give it a 4.5/5 but FUCK THEY GET MARRIED AND IT'S SO SWEET. Like. This man. This man was so sweet all the way, like he was a cutie patooti, pookie bear. Got me kicking my feet and giggling like a little girl. 
            No only they were cute, they were going their normal troop stuff too, AND WERE CUTE. And and, the main story was also actually good. I was worried about Cordelia returning, like I was about to give up on this but god fuck me she was worth it actually. They gave her somewhat a human-ish role (which I personally don't like but they handled it well). 
            Cordelia explains about her relationship with KarlHainz and even started to get along with Yui a little bit... In her own unique way but she does. 
            The thing that got me was when Ayato called her 'mom' in the ending parts (not exactly that word but he doesn't call her a old hag) 
            The characters were so fucking funny. Like... Laito actually talked normally and how he was kinda excited about the wedding but left because everyone left- lol-. 
            Ayato didn't actually do anything violent, he was sweet most of the time. HE TRIED TO COOK TOKUYAKI BUT FAILED SO THEY COOKED TOGETHER. Which. Like. Is so adorable. He likes head pats too, and hugs. And oh my god Puppy. Absolutely puppy. 
            I am just... I am so.. Happy? Like. This was amazing. And surprised me because Vandead carnival didn't give me much hope, it was a 2/5 then. But this some good shit.
            *smooch smooch* I knew this guy was a cutie patootie. He just needed a good story. 


(Ignore my spelling mistakes it's 3:00 am-) 


Some 12 year old's fan fictions were kinda cringe [mostly in the Romance part] 
          But Damn. 
          They have some cool concepts ngl. I like them lot. 


@TheBalladeersWife no worries, I am looking forward to your future work. 


@JustAGhostyGhost thank you much! I really appreciate your honesty


@TheBalladeersWife so I read your book. And I like that you kept your two characters in seperate houses rather then the same (Sakamaki household). Plus, I like the concept of them being wolves hybrids (Like the Tarukami's are, though I am not sure you'll add them or not)
            Since you haven't written much, I can't comment any further; just that I liked the writing style better in second chapter (mf/n in Mukami house) then in the first chapter. 
            So yeah, good job *˙︶˙*)ノ


Who knew that only one. 
          Kfc chicken wing would- give me a fever, stomach ache, nausea, vomit. Twice. 
          And this happened not once. But TWICE. 
          I hate Kfc. And I am traumatized. 
          Thank you. 


@JustAGhostyGhost yeah I have. I am doing better then yesterday now, I just hope I stay well today too. 
            Thank you for your concern <3


@JustAGhostyGhost I am sorry it happened. Maybe try to have water, medicine, maybe soup that can flush the germs out


Kinda have an urge to write a vampire Knight creak fic-
          Look. I watched Laby's edits and Negative Legend Review on it- I just-  


@JustAGhostyGhost idk if I wanna suffer (T_T)


Please do write one 




 @JustAGhostyGhost you’re so kind oml 


@onlyNagi aw, thank you. 
            I am still glad about the 117 subs too tho :>