
Okay guys. I did more soul searching. And I went to summer church camp. God told me to do something so..., now I have to do it. I've been fighting Him on this for a couple weeks now, but I'm done fighting. As of today, I will no longer be writing fanfction. I will be abandoning my fics, deleting the app, etc. No more replying to comments, no more updates, no more anything.
          	I apologize to the people I am disappointing; however, I would rather disappoint you than God. I know this is what I need to do - what I have to do. I'm not sorry for obeying God, but I am sorry for not finishing what I've started.
          	All the wonderful comments, messages, votes, etc. are greatly appreciated, and I am so thankful for the encouragement my wattpad family has given me in the last year.
          	James 1:22 says, "But be doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God." I have heard God speak, and I must obey. I must be a doer. As sorry as I am to quit and leave you guys (and as sad as it makes me), you gotta do whacha gotta do (talk about bad grammar. Ugh sorry).
          	So thank you, and goodbye. 
          	"May the Lord bless you and may He keep you, and may His face shine upon you." That's in Leviticus somewhere.


Okay guys. I did more soul searching. And I went to summer church camp. God told me to do something so..., now I have to do it. I've been fighting Him on this for a couple weeks now, but I'm done fighting. As of today, I will no longer be writing fanfction. I will be abandoning my fics, deleting the app, etc. No more replying to comments, no more updates, no more anything.
          I apologize to the people I am disappointing; however, I would rather disappoint you than God. I know this is what I need to do - what I have to do. I'm not sorry for obeying God, but I am sorry for not finishing what I've started.
          All the wonderful comments, messages, votes, etc. are greatly appreciated, and I am so thankful for the encouragement my wattpad family has given me in the last year.
          James 1:22 says, "But be doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God." I have heard God speak, and I must obey. I must be a doer. As sorry as I am to quit and leave you guys (and as sad as it makes me), you gotta do whacha gotta do (talk about bad grammar. Ugh sorry).
          So thank you, and goodbye. 
          "May the Lord bless you and may He keep you, and may His face shine upon you." That's in Leviticus somewhere.


Okay, people. I have done some soul searching the last week and I've come to a decision. I will no longer be writing smut. I will publish that which I've already written, but that's it. If you'd like to know why, or complain or something, message me. I'd be happy to explain.  :)


I would like to the this opportunity to thank all of my new followers! You know who you are, even if I don't have a list. Thanks to all of you guys who didn't dump me when I took my hiatus, and thanks to everyone who kept reading my stories while I was gone. The number of reads I've gotten so far is awesome!
          The Jellyfish


@maddiecaudillo I promise I intend to. I am not just on hiatus for no reason. I'm doing a six month hiatus from wattpad because I find it the most addictive of my social media. That means no updating and no reading. My hiatus ends in a little over a week, actually, but if you really don't want to wait, I have all the way through chapter 13 on Archive of Our Own under the name JustAJellyfish. Thank you for your interest in my story, and for the follow. I greatly appreciate both. I will return on June 7th to updating on June 7th.
          P.S. the reason I am not on Wattpad right now but am on AO3 is because I find Wattpad harder to ignore when I need to get stuff done. The atmosphere is far more enticing, what with entire conversations that occur within comments and the messaging between users. AO3 isn't like that at all, so it isn't actually as enjoyable to me. It doesn't feel so much like a community. You didn't ask, but I thought I'd put it out there for anyone to read before someone calls me stupid for leaving one and not the other. Also, I didn't have AO3 when I started my hiatus, so yeah.
          Thank you so much for the message. I always appreciate when someone is interested enough to comment, message, follow, vote, or put my story in a reading list.
          Love, Jellyfish


Tagged by @FireKittenSmiles (and I think I got tagged by other people too, but I can't find it in my notifications thing, so cheers to you too)
          Nicknames: Jellyfish (obviously), Sunshine, Princess Buttercup (legit, like ask my dad. He's the one that calls me that), Spice girl (cause my actual name sounds a lot like a spice/seasoning)
          Eye color: hazel, but sometimes it shifts more to brown. Other times, like when I've been crying, my eyes are pretty much green
          Hair color: brown with natural red low lights and natural golden highlights (sounds weird but it isn't)
          Interesting fact: I love Jesus and he loves me back
          Fave color: Purple!!!!!
          Fave place: Hogwarts 
          Fave Celebrity: Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Anna Sophia Robb, Harrison Ford, Allen Rickman (spelling?), Tom Felton, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki (do you really want me to continue)
          Fave Animal: Jellyfish, duh
          Fave Song: Breakfast, by Newsboys
          Fave book: Dragons In Our Midst series, The Homelanders, PJO, HP
          How many people am I supposed to tag exactly?
          Hey, I took a break from my hiatus to post this. So now you guys now that I do actually love you!


my goodness, 20? that's a lot. I can't even think of 10 off the top of my head, let alone 20. you did more than I did with my 5. lol, I would probably have been too lazy too even if I had known how many people to tag.


@JustAJellyfish You answered them all and your suppose to 20 but I did ten XD Cause I'm lazy. 


@JustAJellyfish well then thank you kindly, @Loki_Night are there any questions from yours that I didn't answer? I can do another one with any questions from your tag. I just can't find it in my notifications because Internet sucks and it must have been a little while since you tagged me. Sorry :(


omg how much do you love Jellyfishes?


@FireKittenSmiles Absolutely! Same to you dear, even though kittens don't really like water


BUT they live longer ;) have a good day swimming, my friend


@FireKittenSmiles so much. don't know why though. calling myslef a jellyfish is actually kind of demeaning when you think about the fact that they are lazy, spineless, and brainless, and they have no motivation, goals, or any form of drive or determination. apparently I have an interesting way of complimenting myself. :/ 


Okay guys, this account has to go on Hiatus so that I can get caught up with school work. I won't be reading, commenting, or voting on anyone's stories, and I won't be updating mine. I'll keep writing a little on my laptop, so when my hiatus is over (6 months from now), i should have a bunch of updates for you guys at once. And for those of you who right stories, I expect a ton of updates from you guys when I get back.
          I'm still pming, so if you want to talk you can do that; I just can't do the whole fanfic thing because it is way too distracting at the currant time.
          Thank you guys for understanding. If I get any new followers during my Hiatus, I'll be sure to send you guys thank you messages when I return! Love you guys!
          The Jellyfish


OMG I have 1k reads on Winter's Peace and over 70 votes! i have people reading from America, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Uganda, Norway, New Netherlands, United Kingdom, the Philippines, Australia, Austria, etc! I have readers from all different age-groups (there's a surprising number of people over 30) and people of both genders! Thank you guys so much for all your support! You have no idea how happy this made me, and I can't believe how far I've come in just a few months. I can't believe it's already December! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!