
Hey lol I forgot my password and just found out I’m still logged in on my iPad <3 anyway I made a new account and am going to post a new fic soon hehe it’s @taytawanlovebot if anyone is interested in reading more of my stuff or if y’all miss me  thanks for all ur continuing support it really means a lot to me and I’d love to see u in the comments of my new fic ❤️❤️ 



@Proangs sure.dont lose your hopes.i will support you


Hey lol I forgot my password and just found out I’m still logged in on my iPad <3 anyway I made a new account and am going to post a new fic soon hehe it’s @taytawanlovebot if anyone is interested in reading more of my stuff or if y’all miss me  thanks for all ur continuing support it really means a lot to me and I’d love to see u in the comments of my new fic ❤️❤️