‘Sticks and stones will break your bones’
Truth be told
Those wounds heal
Moving on and forgotten
Maybe a scar,but no meaning behind it,no more pain
‘But words will never hurt you’
Liar,liar pants on fire
Leaving not a physical cut,bruise or wound
Cut deeper than any knife or blade
Leaving not scars but infected wounds that just. Wont. Heal.
‘It’s only words’
Only words,only words,
Words laced with deadly poison
Flowing through the veins of its victims
Infecting those whose ears they reach
‘Just ignore them’
How can I?
They gnaw and claw away at me
I cover my ears
But their already in my head,
‘Stop being dramatic’
No,no,no not you too
I tried,I tried,and I tried
It hurts,they won’t stop
How do I make it stop?
…how do I make it stop…?
… End it all…
‘Everything’s going to be alright’
The thing no one says
No one helps
No one cares
It’s the thing no one says
‘Please let me help’
Too late,to late
Too deep
Too dark
No going back
‘It’s not too late,never too late’
Fait sound
Light seeping through the crack
A faint voice can be heard
Slipping through that dark
‘I care’
One,two,two words
Shatter that darkness
Shatter the cold
Shatter the lonely
One Person reaching out their hands
Pleading for them to stop
Telling them they are there
And they won’t leave
One person,one action
Is that all it takes?
Will that fix it?
Will it help?
Is it enough
Maybe so,maybe no
That depends on you,yes you
Will you take the help?
Will you take that extended hand?
And never let go
‘Can I be that person?’
A question,an offer
So simple yet not
When alone the dark turns into a monster
When accompanied it is defeat able
That depends on you
Will you fight?
Will you try?
Will you let me help?
Let me shatter that darkness
Take you out of the pit,drag you into the light
Take you out from the cold,cover your ears and cut out the words
Take on the wounds,take on the pain
And put you at ease
Let me be one person
Let me be one person to help
Let me say two simple words
…let me say…
‘I care’