


So I’m debating on a Wattpad profile change...
          Just thinking about changing my Wattpad profile to another character that I roleplay as more often now, but I wasn’t sure...should I? I dunno. I did just start roleplaying as the character, so I wasn’t sure, but I kinda wanted to because he’s really cool-
          Hint at the character: 


Mk emoji didn’t send but it was fire and a blue and purple heart 


Hey, guys... so, some things have come up recently, so I'm sorry to say, but I'm putting my stories on hold for a bit. I know you've all been waiting patiently for updates, and I appreciate that so much, but as much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to wait a little longer. As a form of apology/peace offering, I'm working on a fluffy little Eren and Levi mini-story, so much cuteness there. I'll try to get that up in the next few days. I'm not gonna give away too much about it, but I will share a fact that kinda hints at what goes down: it is confirmed that Levi suffers from insomnia and nightmares. OUR POOR CAPTAIN, I JUST WANNA HUG HIM--wait, I roleplay as Eren, I could probably get away with that... *cough* ANYWAY, that should be up in the next few days. I apologize again for making you all wait so long, and I greatly appreciate your patience. I promise I'll start updating again soon. I love you all, and I hope you all have a beautiful and amazing day! I'll see you all very soon! Byeeeeeeeeee! :3


HEY GUYS! SO. I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated my stories, but I promise you guys I am working on it. I’ve been a bit busy what with the holidays winding down, and I also had a family member pass away a couple days ago...♥️rest in piece, Grandpa Paul, I’ll miss you♥️...but I am working on the next chapters of Zombies and Proof, and I also have a Kaneki x Hide one shot in progress, so I will get those up as soon as I possibly can. As always, don’t forget to follow, vote and comment, and I will see you very soon! Byeeeee :3


Peace* not piece....


So, with my two AOT stories...the fact that I roleplay as Eren on Discord, just makes everything a hundred times better XD 


Oh, heeeey, Captain


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@YourDoritoOverlord im levi fuck u all