Hey Everyone. I'm back on Wattpad! I have been gone for so long that this site has changed dramatically. I might be a silent reader for a while until I get used to this site again. I will be writing very soon! If you want me to read your story leave me a message! I would love to take the time to read it.
Hey Everyone. I'm back on Wattpad! I have been gone for so long that this site has changed dramatically. I might be a silent reader for a while until I get used to this site again. I will be writing very soon! If you want me to read your story leave me a message! I would love to take the time to read it.
@JahariciaRuiz haha you're welcome<3 and that's exactly what I do! >.< can't sit and write I start day dreaming :)) Very sorry about not coming on. I'm living with grandma for a while and she has terrible Internet! >.>
@JustAnotherTexan Lol thanks for the likes on my story :) I'm really trying to just sit down and write, but five minutes later I end up on the floor with my legs and arms up in the air yawning from boredom.
Disappointment in myself. Ugh.