GUYS HI, lol I haven't been on in forever, I totally forgot about it! Sorry lovelies, I completely forgot about SHA because other stuff came up. I'll try uploading soonish? idk love youuuu all! xxxx
GUYS HI, lol I haven't been on in forever, I totally forgot about it! Sorry lovelies, I completely forgot about SHA because other stuff came up. I'll try uploading soonish? idk love youuuu all! xxxx
@Monika97 I like your attitude babe! Afterwards she called me a troll ... and I was like, awkiess, I didn't do anything but stick up for a fellow writer :) I thought you did an amazing job and I love your story! xx
@JustKaylay Oh. My. God. Okay, I don't wanna go fangirl on you BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You're story! Abby and Van! Jesus, I just love you!
I've collected myself now ahaha sorry for the outburst. But aren't they just the hottest things to ever grace this earth? All of the 1D boys <3
Wow, so I haven't updated for about ... about three months now? How about I type something up now? Sure thinggg, EXPECT AN UPDATE! Maybe even a new story ... Veryyyyy soon!
- JustBeFearless xx