
Wow haven’t been here in like a year, amazing how many new followers and readers ive gotten. Just wanted to send a Thank you


You're just going to leave us with the ending of him cutting himself going to leave us with that ending really like really you may think I'm annoyed right now I am a little bit but I'm mostly confused so like really you're going to end it like that I don't know if you did not in the book but it said finished reading for me so you're just going to leave us like that please respond if you could


Hi! I’ve read all of the things you wrote and they’re so freaking good!!!!!! I think my favorite was kidnapping a broken, I related so much to your author notes in those stories and I really love your writing so much ! Keep up the good work! <3~lyz


Hey JustBecauseTime, Lee here, I recently decided to follow you, and I love your books and ‘name tag’(?) thingie. ‘Just Because Time’ is amazing, and is (inspiring, thought/feeling/provoking, philosophical) and I can’t believe that it is incredibly likely that you just threw it together for whatever reason. Thank you for being you! -Lee


Hello guys! Thank you for all the new followers I've gotten recently, even though I'm not posting activly... For you who maybe wants to read more or so, I have a poetry book wich I update sometimes at least and then I have my two other books and I do have a lot of texts in my draft but those will probaly not be anything... But anyway, Thank you all for reading what I write, you're gold worth!


So, I don't know if you remember, but I once wrote a comment under one of your story. It really meant a lot to me. And it also meant a lot to me that you actually answered. I wasn't able to really visit wattpad for a long time and I feel really bad for seeing just now what happened. So, please let me repeat my proposal. You can always write me, if you want. Or anyone else.  I know it seems really crazy because I'm a stranger and all. But yea. It's not like I'm worried about you (well, somehow I am), but you are a awesome person. Keep being awesome. The world needs your awesomeness.