
Welp not like anyone is actually reading this or cares about what I'm about to say. 
          	But sorry about the delay in the next chapter, for once I was booked on my schedual and hand no real time to edit chapters.
          	But hey chapter 4 is out for you who care (sorry it's short. The next one is gonna be longer)


Welp not like anyone is actually reading this or cares about what I'm about to say. 
          But sorry about the delay in the next chapter, for once I was booked on my schedual and hand no real time to edit chapters.
          But hey chapter 4 is out for you who care (sorry it's short. The next one is gonna be longer)


Maybe im posting these chapters too fast? At some point people may actually like this and ask for more. Possibly asking for a chapter every day. Which I could do, but you know how it is, I don't feel like doing that. Plus you know, you need like a few days to let it sit so you can look at it and see all the garbage parts of it and write it in a way that makes sense. 
          But whatever am I right?


Just so you all know my current book "A Knight's Tale" is something I already have a few chapters done on. It's simply a matter of me editing and fixing grammar (which being a little dyslexic can be pretty hard) so if you do become a fan somehow, chapter 3-7 Will be released soon enough. 


Hey there everyone. If you got stuff to say about my content, that you would like me personally to know (edits, praise, telling me about how terrible I am, questions, clarification, or if you just wanna say hi.) Don't be afraid to tell me, I don't bite, ussally.