
For everyoneeeee!!!
          	Here is my newest book. Do you like to have more readers and show more people your book. Enter now in the Promote book for any language. 
          	You can enter in your own language. 
          	Enter now and show us your book. :)
          	Xx Me


Hi, how are you, I would like to know if I could translate your story 
          |¹Carlisle love story (English)
          |²Carlisle love story  (English)
          | ³ Carlisle love story (English) into Brazilian Portuguese, I would give you all the credits.
          Hola como estás, me gustaría saber si puedo traducir tu historia 
          |¹Carlisle love story (English)
          |²Carlisle love story  (English)
          | ³ Carlisle love story (English) al portugués de Brasil, te daría todos los créditos.


            Thank you! :)
            When you start translating I will post it on my profile, if you don't mind :) 
            And thank you for wanting to translate my story. It's such an honour. ❤️


@ JustMe_100  | I agree to all terms Don't worry as soon as I start I'll finish it Because one thing I can't stand is leaving the book incomplete. 
            Thank you very much for allowing me to translate your story.♡
             (I will make it very clear that it is just a translation and I will also give full credit to you)


            What an honour. :)) You make me very happy!!!!
            I give you my permission to translate my story Carlisle love story 1 and 2 if you agree with the next things I have to say.
             -  Part 3 is still running so when I am finished with part 3, you may translate that book as well.
            I would like your word that you will finish the translation and not stop in the middle of the book. A time ago I accepted someone else to translate my story and she stopped after chapter 4 sadly. Now she isn't on wattpad anymore and is the story not finished.
            It doesn't matter if it is only book one. But please finish it.
            I hope you understand why I am asking that. 
            -Also don't write that my English isn't so well and you write that in your language and writes that in the translation book.
            Someone else did and I know I am not perfect in English, but writing that feels awful and made me very sad.
            At last, please write it's  my story and give me all credits. :) 
            I am sorry for all the things I am asking for but the last time was not so pleasant. I hope you understand that. 
            Thank you! 
            Please let me know if you agree my points. 
            Xx Me


It's my birthday! ❤️


@JustMe_100 Nog gefeliciteerd! Mijn neefje was gisteren ook jarig! 


@JustMe_100  aww heb je gemiest


Vanaf 30 april is het niet meer mogelijk om privé gesprekken hier op Wattpad te voeren. Ik wil het allen even delen.


@JustMe_100  waarschijnlijk willen ze de spam en de scammers weghebben, en alle racistishe  prive gesprekken indimmen door het weg te halen??
            maar dat is mijn enige reden die ik eruit op kan maken qua wattpad kenner


@MijnStoryArt  so sad. Echt jammer. Echt vreemd. Het wordt steeds meer een app waarbij je niet meer kan communiceren met mensen maar alleen boeken kan lezen.:(


Geen idee, de Wattpad ambassadeurs begrijpen het ook niet waarom het gaat verdwijnen. 