
@DarknessAndLight hey, WOW Thank you! For taking your time to leave a message. Didn't expect that actually. so this was a pleasant surprise. I already read blake and Lexi's story and let me tell you girl: I was hooked! Seriously, did not see that ending coming and no surprise,.. i actually cried ;) so, that should mean you're a Great writer!! are you planning on publishing that story? (Just a question. No pressure there) ps. Daphne reminds me of a friend of mine.. So, anyways.. It was nice meeting. Keep being so AWE- some and I hope you'll reply! ;) xx Jen 


@DarknessAndLight hey, WOW Thank you! For taking your time to leave a message. Didn't expect that actually. so this was a pleasant surprise. I already read blake and Lexi's story and let me tell you girl: I was hooked! Seriously, did not see that ending coming and no surprise,.. i actually cried ;) so, that should mean you're a Great writer!! are you planning on publishing that story? (Just a question. No pressure there) ps. Daphne reminds me of a friend of mine.. So, anyways.. It was nice meeting. Keep being so AWE- some and I hope you'll reply! ;) xx Jen