Well, it’s been 4 years ever since I posted a myriad of Hamilton fanfictions onto Wattpad. I unlisted all fo them besides Philidosia, since it was kinda liked? Now here I am, mighty confused as to how we went from 250 views to 1,000+. Not a large number, but a huge milestone to me! It’s nice to see at least a couple hundred people enjoyed something I made, even if it’s largely insignificant.
Thanks for the continued support, I suppose. I seem really full of myself in those previous updates I posted so I deleted them. Hopefully my 14 year old self didn’t offend someone
I might take up writing again. I’m actually doing a retelling of the story that got me “popular”
Well, not popular. More like “made me like writing.”
It was a Hamilton x John Laurens fanfiction I wrote as a joke. Very crackhead and insane. I’m a straight 18 year old male by the way.
But I kinda wanted to take a jab of the concept again. An immigrant and his best friend giving to Disney World and having everything that could possibly go wrong go wrong? Sounds like someone could enjoy that if it was actually well written. It’ll probably never get posted since, knowing me, it’s just another pet project to bide my time with.
Anyway, if I ever publish again I hope you enjoy whatever I have to offer. I’m about to go to college which is wild, I wrote that fanfic when I was in middle school. Jeez, I’m rambling now.