
this message may be offensive
Since I decided to get on Wattpad again, I will be ranting about all of the crazy shit that has happed over the past month and oh boy. I've have relapsed like 4 times I'm losings any reason to live, I'm moving into a new house,  glen is here and cant more then one meal a day, i feel horrible and disgusting when even I eat I tried to stave myself and throw up I've subconsciously read calories on things, I've yelled at my mom and have a lot of pent up anger I being threated again and my moms trying to get me to stay since I threated to move in with my dad and cant even try to do that for another 5 months and don't think I can last that long, I've broke down crying 2 when fighting with my mom with ive never done before, i have had multiple panic attacks form them yelling, I have 20 missing assignment and the worst thing....
          	 I started reading HOMESTUCK.


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Since I decided to get on Wattpad again, I will be ranting about all of the crazy shit that has happed over the past month and oh boy. I've have relapsed like 4 times I'm losings any reason to live, I'm moving into a new house,  glen is here and cant more then one meal a day, i feel horrible and disgusting when even I eat I tried to stave myself and throw up I've subconsciously read calories on things, I've yelled at my mom and have a lot of pent up anger I being threated again and my moms trying to get me to stay since I threated to move in with my dad and cant even try to do that for another 5 months and don't think I can last that long, I've broke down crying 2 when fighting with my mom with ive never done before, i have had multiple panic attacks form them yelling, I have 20 missing assignment and the worst thing....
           I started reading HOMESTUCK.


things have changed over the past year. I've gone from being angry and sad when my mom and bitch boi got married a day before my birthday, to them leaving the house is the best birthday present.


things have changed over the past year. i've gone from being angry and sad when my mom and bitch boi got married a day before my birthday, to them leaving the house is the best birthday present.


[°❤️Love panic attacks!°]


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            Well yes like you can stop having a mental illness. It’s not your fault you are depressed, it’s not an excuse. It’s a serious thing that so many people suffer with. Its so fucking dumb that she thinks it’s an excuse. It’s not. Maybe instead of saying it’s an excuse, she should help you like a mom should. Even I’m better than her with helping jeez. And she’s you fucking mom, I mean help your own child if she is depressed. It not that hard to help someone. 


@Kcfluffles986 Just my mom telling me I use my Depression as an excuse too much and I need to stop being Depressed, yes mother I will now stop having a mental illness.


Oof what happened??