this message may be offensive
Since I decided to get on Wattpad again, I will be ranting about all of the crazy shit that has happed over the past month and oh boy. I've have relapsed like 4 times I'm losings any reason to live, I'm moving into a new house, glen is here and cant more then one meal a day, i feel horrible and disgusting when even I eat I tried to stave myself and throw up I've subconsciously read calories on things, I've yelled at my mom and have a lot of pent up anger I being threated again and my moms trying to get me to stay since I threated to move in with my dad and cant even try to do that for another 5 months and don't think I can last that long, I've broke down crying 2 when fighting with my mom with ive never done before, i have had multiple panic attacks form them yelling, I have 20 missing assignment and the worst thing.... I started reading HOMESTUCK.