Well, my name's Zoe.
I like food, sleep, and books.
I have an autographed book (The Fault In Our Stars).
Ice Cream is absolutely amazing.
I want to go Vegetarian so badly(it's not that I don't have the willpower. My parents just cook to much meat for there to be salads and pasta and etc).
I've tried a vegan cookie, I didn't like it.
I have some of the greatest friends ever and then some of the worst(those bitches).
Blue and Orange are my favorite colors(I know, they don't match).
I have contradicting pets. (A pet rat named Snowball and a pet cat named Nala).
I have three biological brothers but, in reality I have probably five.
I'm weird. (<---Being blunt here)
Pride Night<3
I move a often, maybe like every three years or so.
My first kiss was with a girl ^-^ she wasn't that pretty; inside and out.
  • Planet Earth
  • انضمJuly 31, 2014


الرسالة الأخيرة
JustSmileKayy JustSmileKayy Sep 16, 2014 09:55PM
@Striving8 of course! I would love too! Already put it in my reading list, about to open it. I feel so honored you asked me this. Thank you. I bet it'll be great!!
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