Hey. :) Hope you are doing well and happy Easter. (Bit late but DON'T BLAME ME!! xx) Thought I would tell you about Onyx's account. @KillerQueenpoison :)
Hey, happy Easter darling! Not gonna blame you, mine's late too xD Hope you're enjoying your holidays, I'll see you at school in May :) Onyx has an account?! *rapes follow button, inbox and message board* heheh xx
Firstly, I am loving your new profile picture. Secondly, your bio is amazing beautiful and third, for the number of words a chapter should be I always try to aim for at least 1000 but sometimes only get to about 800. But many people have many different lengths so really it is just what works for you. :)
Aw thanks! And yeah, I was just wondering because this site is different to others I've posted work on (eg: Quotev). I may have gotten up to about 700 words on my first chapter, but going over it I've realised it's a bit too short for my liking, so I'm going to try aim above 1000 (like you do) because it'll be more sufficient for readers :) xx