
Wow, I'm not dead!
          	Hello all! Now I just updated a little something on the blog, which you may or may not want to read. I won't blame you if you couldn't give two fu-dge sticks. But it's updated.
          	For anyone who doesn't feel like reading about my lame life, the basic just of what I meant to write before all the rambling came out. (sorry guys, I had to vent rip) 
          	I'll be updating by the 20th of December. Aka in like 5 days.
          	I have a little thing drawn out that I may or may not share now that I've made the announcement this way, but yeah.
          	For anyone who wants to read the blog, link in my bio as always. :)
          	Off to watch a depressing movie, sleep for thirty minutes tops, and then shoot a movie in less than 3 hours! Woot woot!
          	Bye guys. (remember to hydrate! Stay healthy!)


@JustThe_Author Good to hear! I’ll check out the story!


@broimaghost thank you! One problems solved, my one friends actually talking to me again! (a christmas miracle??) and the cheer comp was pretty fun. I'll be more active soon! Just two days of film class left. And I just posted a new story. It's not TIPOW, unfortunately, but it's something! I hope you like it!


@JustThe_Author good luck with your movie and I hope the situation with your friends, your sister and your cheer comp works out!


Been a while since you last updated! Just wanted to check in because you haven't been posting on the blog either. Love your content and would love to read more (no pressure) so I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.


Wow, I'm not dead!
          Hello all! Now I just updated a little something on the blog, which you may or may not want to read. I won't blame you if you couldn't give two fu-dge sticks. But it's updated.
          For anyone who doesn't feel like reading about my lame life, the basic just of what I meant to write before all the rambling came out. (sorry guys, I had to vent rip) 
          I'll be updating by the 20th of December. Aka in like 5 days.
          I have a little thing drawn out that I may or may not share now that I've made the announcement this way, but yeah.
          For anyone who wants to read the blog, link in my bio as always. :)
          Off to watch a depressing movie, sleep for thirty minutes tops, and then shoot a movie in less than 3 hours! Woot woot!
          Bye guys. (remember to hydrate! Stay healthy!)


@JustThe_Author Good to hear! I’ll check out the story!


@broimaghost thank you! One problems solved, my one friends actually talking to me again! (a christmas miracle??) and the cheer comp was pretty fun. I'll be more active soon! Just two days of film class left. And I just posted a new story. It's not TIPOW, unfortunately, but it's something! I hope you like it!


@JustThe_Author good luck with your movie and I hope the situation with your friends, your sister and your cheer comp works out!


Okay so I actually found the blog part of the blog and it made my day to see the shoutout! Take your time getting back to the story or the blog but just wanted to say I really appreciated it!


Yay! I’ve been reading and rereading the story just so it’s fresh in my mind for when you come back!


@broimaghost thank youuu!! My hiatus should only be for a bit longer- I am working on some stuff but haven't had much editing time due to school. But film ends this month (it's a short program but they might ask me back) and also there's holiday break! So ultimately I should come back- hopefully- before the new year :))


Oh and good luck with film school


Unfortunately, I'm unable to update tonight/today. I meant to have the next chapter done but with school and stuff, plus cheerleading practice, I got a bit distracted today. Tomorrow night I should be able to get it done- but hopefully sooner!
          Sorry for the disapointing short little thing- for anyone interested. 
          Have a good one!


Ok, so quick update for anyone who happens to care- I'm writing again! (also hi.) I got a bit distracted recently and ended up in a rutt of hating everything my brain came up with, so, as I tend to do, I ignored all my problems until it bit me in the butt. (metaphorically.)
          And, not out yet, but I do have a bit planned for a new story. The title, which is a working title, I'll take suggestions- is...
          *drum roll, please*
          The Infinite Power of Us
          So yeah, there it is. In all it's glory.
          Should be out maybe tomorrow, if life goes to plan.
          But yeah, I'm not dead, yet, and I'm finally going to return. 
          I actually really like the story (TIPoU, since I don't feel like typing it all out) and really hope you guys enjoy it too. I am trying to continue You but at the moment, because of my recent Wolfstar obsession, it all just keeps coming out like a bad fanfic.
          I think that's everything for now. I hope you all are having a good day! (go drink water if you haven't today. Or, if it's past midnight for you like it is for me, go sleep! take care of yourself!)
          Have a good day-night-morning-dawn-dusk-whatever time zone applicable option you'd like.


Hey- I kinda feel bad. I've been neglecting this acc a little bit, partly because I'm writing a mini movie... Which isn't an excuse- I just have a horrid memory half the time.
          However, I swear on my life the next thing I write I'll add on here.
          Joking, because there's a decent probability that'll be a lie. But I do feel sooo bad!!
          So if you want, feel free to reply with what you'd like me to continue, I have a few stories. (also feel free to dm me about anything you want me to write.)
          Again, I'm so-so-so-so sorry!
          Have a great day or night!!
          (sorry for all the dramatics, I get a weird surge of energy when I read and I may or may not have a Wolfstar fanfic up behind this... And maybe Wolfstar the song....)


Hey! I finally found you
          I read one of your short stories in YouTube and i fell in love with it 
          You're a really good author :D


@Iknowthatyourasimp Ooh! That one's pretty popular lol. I hope you like some of the other stuff I'm writing too!


@JustThe_Author it was under a "songs that make you feel like a villain" i think:D


@Iknowthatyourasimp Tyyy <3 
            that means sm to me
            which one did u read?


Hello! So I know I said I'd update before the weekend ends last weekend but I got a little busy working and doing stuff since cheer tryouts are coming up. This isn't an excuse though, and I promise I'll continue You ASAP.
          It might be a little though. But feel free to read any other stories- ("feel free to read any of the old one's if you'd like," Beauty and The Beast) lol.
          Have a lovely day!


Hey, hey! So I'm already done at Summit; my team actually went yesterday but I hadn't had time to update anyone who cares on here. We tied for eleventh so we didn't make it to the next day.
          (Eleventh isn't bad since there were a lot of teams we were against and we did great.)
          My sister goes today but tomorrow I should have some free time to write and hopefully update something. Although, it might not be the next chapter of You because it takes me a little more time to make that one less cringy.
          Also I should watch Multiverse of Madness soon, so without spoilers I'll update on how I thought that was. (I'm Marvel obsessed-) I've seen a lot of mixed reviews and I haven't been watching the trailers due to lack of time, so I have lowly-high expectations. 
          Anywho, have a lovely weekend!
          (tiktok; JustThe_Author)


Hello to the random people who follow me!
          Just a warning, for the next week, I'll either be super inactive like I just was or I'll be super active. Maybe a mix of both.
          To explain, this is Summit week. Which means that in like 8 hours I'll be making my way to Florida. And I'll be driving which means I won't be able to post anything until I get there.
          (For those who don't know/understand what's ^^up^^ Summit is a huge cheer competition. I'm a competitive cheerleader.)
          Also, I don't want to like beg for stars (or whatever they're called) but if you do like any of my stories, it would be really helpful for you to star them. Then I know which ones I should continue first. 
          Anywho, thank you!! Wish me luck! 
          I'll try to be active for another hour or so, if anyone has any recomendations on what I should write during the 15 hour drive. 
          Have a lovely day!
          (Tiktok: @JustThe_Author)