Okie, I noticed there were a lot of questions in general for #JustWriteIt, so I'm gonna try to answer a few for now.
+ What if I don't complete the challenge?
You get shot. Okay, you might not get shot (I said might). Nothing bad will really happen to you. If you don't complete it, you don't complete it. It's that simple. No need to worry (unless you really will get shot; then by all means, worry if you want to)
+ How do I tag my story with #JustWriteIt?
When creating your story, go to the edit section of it. You should be able to see your cover, story title, etc.. Right underneath the box where you can type your story's description, it'll say "+Add a tag". Press on those words and type "JustWriteIt" and any other tags you want/need. Afterwards, you can press the orange button that says "Save Changes" in the top right-hand corner to save your tags and any other changes you made.
+ Are we allowed to exceed over 10,000 words?
Yup. 10,000 words is simply the minimum to complete the challenge. You can have even up to 50,000 words (which was the minimum for November last year)!
+ Does it have to be 10,000 words in one chapter, or can it be in more than one chapter?
Your 10,000 words can be spread into as many parts as you would like. As long as the word total for all parts is 10,000, you're good. For example, if you're writing a story with 5,000 words in each part, you'll be done within two chapters!
+ Does there have to be 10,000 words in each chapter?
Motherflapping turtles, no! You're not required to do that much! That'd be abuse (I think)! The word total in general has to add up to 10,000 words. For example, if your story has 10 parts and each part has 1,000 words, you completed the challenge because that adds up to 10,000!
I'll answer more questions next week, so keep an eye out for your question! If you have any, don't hesitate to message Just Write It Support for an answer! Hope this helped somebody!