
Me: Ugh there is no way Harry Potter would be that good of a person after all the trauma he went through as a child why is he fighting evil shouldn’t he be like a horrible child and rebellious 
          	Also me: Harry needs to chill why does he get mad so easily and throw so many tantrums argh Harry stop you’re embarrassing yourself 
          	Me literally ten minutes ago: wait...


Me: Ugh there is no way Harry Potter would be that good of a person after all the trauma he went through as a child why is he fighting evil shouldn’t he be like a horrible child and rebellious 
          Also me: Harry needs to chill why does he get mad so easily and throw so many tantrums argh Harry stop you’re embarrassing yourself 
          Me literally ten minutes ago: wait...


Oh man, guys I’m so sorry! My sister just moved to a different state and then I was helping with four weeks of a camp I go to (well one of the weeks was my age group) and the weekends have been purely dedicated to relaxation and then (being honest here) by the time it was all over I forgot about my story. Coming back to see all the new reads was a great motivation boost, and I promise I’m working on the next chapter right now! :) 


Hahahahahahahahaha nope 


Hey y’all, so sorry, I’ve been on vacation without internet for the past couple weeks, so i haven’t been updating! I still don’t have time to write a chapter right now, but i thought I would tell you what’s taking so long. The next chapter should be out in a few days, when we get back home.
          Thank you all for your patience! Also, sorry again about the last chapter :( 
          :) jk not sorry


I’m seriously out there making promises I can’t keep... what a scoundrel


Alright, I just published the next chapter of "Lost Inside my Head" so of you want to Czech that out that'd be great! Also if you have any predictions, or things you want to happen, let me know, maybe I'll use some ideas and give you credit? (Maybe I just have no idea where I'm going wit this) Jk, I do, but I might like something better, so read, comment, and vote!