
I am back! After a long hard summer of just everything going wrong I have finally gotten everything in my life in order for the most part. I have a lot of Honors classes so homework will take up a majority of my time as well as volleyball, if I make the team of course. In other words I am back and will try to get an update in asap!!


I am back! After a long hard summer of just everything going wrong I have finally gotten everything in my life in order for the most part. I have a lot of Honors classes so homework will take up a majority of my time as well as volleyball, if I make the team of course. In other words I am back and will try to get an update in asap!!


Okay so for those of you who care, I am a bit behind on updating my magi fanfic. School hit hard with homework and I just started getting symptoms of a bad cold. I've been trying all week to get the next chapter done and am about halfway through with writing the next chapter. I hope you all are okay with the next chapter being a bit later than I intended it to be so yeah. Please don't kill me. Dx


@DarrenCucharo Same here lol. Last year I watched Akame ga Kill, The seven deadly sins, and Seraph of the end which were all very good. The seven deadly sins is my favorite out of those three so if you haven't already i suggest you do because its really good (AND THE ART IS SO GOOOOD!(I'm weird about the art in anime's xD)) I did but i just couldn't keep track of it for my life lol. I have an Instagram though but I don't post many pictures and it's a Naruto account since I was pretty attached to Naruto when I made it but i am planning on making a magi account! ^^