
Hello Lene!
          Thank you for adding my story to your Lord of the Rings list! I really appreciate it. I like how you described yourself in your bio. We have a lot in common. Feel free to drop a message and read my stories. :)


Thank you so much for the follow! May I ask why you followed me? Because you don't seem to be a follow for follows kind of person and I'm not an interesting person XD 


 Well hello! I followed you because we share many a thing. K-pop, pandas, Americanism. Plus I'm studying in Europe right now and meeting other Americans is a rare thing for me and I tend to go a little spastic. Oops. How could you tell I'm not a follow for follows kinda person? 


So many thanks Lene for your reads and  fabulous support for I'm a Cyborg's Pet. We hug you all afternoon ( can you feel it) 


 This is so cute. Thank you! And the hug is greatly appreciated.