
happy not-technically-the-signing-of-the-declaration-of-independence-day-nor-the-day-America-actually-won-independence-but-who-cares-because-I-get-to-eat-pie-and-it's-delicious


Installation 2:
          Tesla's invention, the Tesla coil which could transmit messages across long distances, was also stolen. Another inventor, Marconi, was also working on a similar device, yet his patents were turned down because of Tesla's existing patent. So Marconi started experimenting with Tesla's designs, using several of them for his work. Tesla allowed this to happen, quoted as saying "Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents." However, in 1904, credit for the invention was awarded to Marconi. Tesla tried to sue, but didn't have enough money to continue. Proper credit wasn't given to Tesla until after his death. 
          Actually, most of Tesla's inventions weren't credited to him until after his death. Most accounts claimed he died penniless and alone, however that was most likely his own fault. Unfortunately, Tesla suffered from a slew of mental problems and other eccentricities, such as OCD, possible autism, insomnia, an addiction to work, strange visions, and many other things. I just hate the fact that so many people worship Edison and think he's great just due to what they might have learned about him in grade school. He was a brilliant man ahead of his time. Luckily, though, public opinion about him is constantly shifting, and I like to think that many more people are realizing his true accomplishments. 
          Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time just to give him a hug and tell him that it's all going to be worth it someday.


Installation 1:
          Nikola Tesla actively promoted using alternative current, which was better for long-distances and high-voltage power. However, his rival, Thomas Edison, as well as a few other companies promoted direct current as a "safer" power source, Edison even going as far as to publicly electrocute dogs, cats, horses, and even an elephant with AC to "prove" it was "dangerous." While AC has less frequency which means that if both AC and DC had the same voltages, AC would have a more powerful current, both can harm people very badly. However, as long as you aren't planning on coming into contact with the wires, there really isn't any danger. Edison was mostly promoting DC because it would make him more money since more generators per area would be required. Also, killing animals to prove a point is not cool. 
          Furthermore, multiple companies, including Edison, stole many of Tesla's inventions, including the power generators using DC instead of AC mentioned before. Edison didn't even invent the light bulb himself. He may have patented it, but electric light bulbs had been around for over 50 years. In fact, other inventors actually created better light bulbs. Just search up the history of the Centennial light bulb, there's plenty of info on that. Basically, it has lasted for over 100 years due to the good materials. Imagine never having to change your light bulbs! Edison created a light bulb that would make money, not one that would benefit the people.


So I've been doing a ton of research on composers recently (don't ask why...) and I found out that basically all of them are depressed and I really just want to hug them all soothingly and tell them that it's going to all be alright.
          Is something wrong with me?


why thank you


That’s normal


I saw one of your comments and just wanted to ask: is the 40 in your username for Ling Ling or something random(er)/unrelated?


@ling_ling40 well hello there and thank you for asking; It sorta does... I made this acc. before I started watching twoset, and it originally stood for the age John Lennon lived to, but since then, I've kinda taken on several meanings