I'm going to be serious here.
When I first wrote Remember when a year and a half ago, I didn't expect it to get so popular. At the time, Remember When was my pride and soul. I loved it with all of my heart, and I still do, it's just that now I look back on it and wonder what I was doing with it.
The plot isn't executed good at all. It's an okay book. I can't look at it now that I'm the writer that I am. I look at Remember when and remind myself that I have improved my writing so much within a single years time. Same with Cross Dressing and Singing, when I started writing that I thought it'd be so much better than Remember When. I was shocked that Cross Dressing and Singings first chapter was so good, but now I just think that it's. . . Okay.
Okay isn't going to cut it for me anymore.
What I'm trying to say is that Remember When and Cross Dressing and Singing are not going to be updated anymore. Not necessarily discontinued, as I am planning something, but as of right now, I'm not updating it any time soon.
In the words of @Yourdailygay , "updating shouldn't feel like a chore."
To me, continuing on with the hot mess that is Remember When was starting to become a chore, and I just didn't know what to do with Cross Dressing and Singing.
With that being said, both of my books are not going to be updated for a long time. Stick around, some of you probably already know what I mean by, "Not discontinued, but not updated."
Don't worry, you'll see the end of Remember when, but I don't know about Cross Dressing and Singing.
With love,