Someone hug me and say do whatever you want I'm with you... I am done with everything.... Why doesn't anyone ask what you want and how you feel? Even though I didn't want to get married I only did it for my parents. I sacrifice my dreams for my family. Yet they say I am selfish. Don't I have the right to cut my hair the way I want?
@Just_a_dream_Taekook i don't know why but its hurt to see you like this author. sometime child scarifies for their parents but they never recognize the effort.
@SmokycocosmokycocoSs My second channel has this same issue.... I got rejected two times... I think we have to delete the videos, and change the thumbnail uniquely
@Just_a_dream_Taekook appeal rejected you are writer so better understand that how hard would to dond taekook hater's.some people sad that taekook ff channel don't monetized.can you hlp that why reused content issue nd how can a channel monetized .