Just a vent, I guess: Hey guys... I just wanna say life is GrEaT. Of course I was being sarcastic. -_- First off, my cough is literally kicking my butt and I feel like I'm coughing my lungs out. And secondly, my mom blocked Deviantart. This website has all my friends that doesn't make me feel weird. And she blocked it. I just wanted to make friends online mom! I don't understand why you can't understand that! No matter how many times I try to explain to her, she wouldn't listen. I just wish that she would just open her eyes and realize that I have friends too whether she knows them or not.
@Justametalfan0w0 oh geez- idrk what else to say but i honestly hope ur mom will get it soon tho- i may not be the best therapist but im here if u wanna talk man,