
I just started a new story, it’s a chose your own path. I decided to try it.


This is sad. This was hard.
          I finally decided to abandon Princess of Kindia. I’m deleting book 1, thought I am leaving book 2.
          I’m rlly srry. It was a hard decision, but I finally had to.
          I was too busy and I wasn’t really that interested in it, it just was.... it’s hard to explain. I want to focus more on other books.


(Actually i'm just abandoning them. I might delete book 2, but also maybe not.


I just found out how big Wattpad covers are so that will help me make better covers. :) I just remade the covers for The Rising Threat And Princess. I like the new ones way better :D 
          I’ll update The Color Child And Princess and hopefully The Tale of Pheonix too.


I have wrote a lot today, so I’m not going to write anymore today and probably not that much tommorow. Next I’ll be working on Wicthes and Demigods and hopefully finish all parts of The Trials. I’ll be working on Piper, Jason, Frank, and Hazel’s Trials.