Justgotmyfandoms Oct 26, 2016 Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad R.I.P Gleen Rhee and Abraham Ford Died October 24th by the hands of a man named Negan They both had loving familes and will alway be remebered. Ver 2 respuestas más Justgotmyfandoms I hope it's Maggie and Rosita who avenges them they deserve that much... Oct 27, 2016 • Contestar Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad Jordan98holmes @JessicaMikaelson14 This was actually to emotional for me I hope they are avenged Oct 26, 2016 • Contestar Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad