Hello everyone,
This is Mrs. Chase, Justin's mom. As we are nearing the two month anniversary of my son's death, I feel as I have become strong enough to finally come to the haven Justin went to for comfort. Justin was bullied at school pretty bad, and I tried to make things better by talking to school officials and teachers, I think some things may have improved, but I'm not sure. Aras was Justin's best friend and I owe Justin's rise out of depression mainly to him. Justin would always talk about all his friends on this website, and he would always rush through dinner, or homework to talk to his friends. I was really happy for him, because he had friends to talk to. He wasn't alone anymore. I think every parent just wants their kid to be accepted, and I saw no harm in this writing website. So first and foremost, thank you to all of Justin's friends. You all changed his world. You made him see the light his life could be, and he prospered thanks to your support. Just reading some of the messages everyone posted on his board, the notes Aras cut out in the hospital from you all, and the poem Aras read at the funeral really proved to me over and over that Justin was loved. He had so many people who loved his stories, and he became more confident. He improved his English grade. When I read his "My Dream Girl" story, words could not describe how proud I was that he was breaking out of his shell, and opening up to complete strangers. Even though Justin is gone now, I know he has moved on to a better place. Again, there is no one to blame for what happened, Justin chose what he wanted, and I stand by any and all decisions he makes. With a four year old still at home, I realize how precious life is, and to make the most of it everyday. My daughter will never know the older brother she could have had, but I'm sure she will grow to be proud of him either way.
Thank you again for everything you have done for my son. I really appreciate it.