
Just published the lyrics to I'm The One and has the music video linked to the chapter! Check it out


Olá, como vai? Me desculpa pelo incomodo mas queria te convidar a dar uma olhadinha na minha mais nova fanfic do Justin, juro que vale muito a pena ler, irei adorar ter você como leitorx <3
          “Ela não sabia que assim que seus olhos se cruzassem, sua sentença estaria assinada. Ela gostaria de ter percebido o que acontecia ao seu redor antes de tudo desmoronar, antes de cair nas tentações do diabo. Megan beadles não espera pelo que aconteceria, não imaginava que brincar de cão e gato seria tão perigoso, não esperava a mudança drástica que ocorrerá em sua vida. Porém, aos seus olhos, nunca foi tão divertido e delicioso brincar com o perigo. A vida simples que sempre esperou conquistar esvaiu de sua mente no momento em que encontro Justin Bieber. Quem diria que aquele que a trouxe o mínimo de felicidade seria o responsável pela morte da sua alma. Depois de tudo, será que ela aguentaria mais uma traição?”


Hi Justin, I love yah so so much!!! Please follow meeee.... PLEASEEEEE you have no idea how hard I've been doing just for you to notice meeee!!!! To know that I EXIST IN THIS WORLD TOOOO!☺☺☺☺ ... it's hard.. but Thank you and I luv yah, babe!


So hey, I'm not yet believing that this is the real you. But if you are reading this. Don't stop please, whoever you are; true or not. I've been crazy for you for almost 2 years, yeah, sorry if I'm not there from the very start. And my facebook account had been hacked a few years ago because I thought that ot was really you. You know, the feelinv when I finally got your attention xause I've longer waited for it and it comes out that I'm talking to a hacker.... geez, that was the worst moment of my life. My parents knew that and starting from that day. They didn't let me to be a fan of you and to make my facebook account again. But of coarse I can't resist you... you are my....happiness, the one who makes me cry, my inspiration, my EVERYTHING! So, I'm just scared that what if that will happen again. On this APP. (Yah know what I mean) . If this wasn't you then just ignore this. And if THIS WAS THE REAL YOU. reply me with something... God knows if you're lying or not. And I will always trust you, I will always get your attention! Because I just wanted to say... Thank you for everything, and I love you so so much! More than you know☺☺☺.. thanks!
          Be honest


Hey Justin. Just wanted know how you were doing and to say that no matter how many mistakes you make I will ALWAYS love you, because everybody makes mistakes. Also that you have inspired me in more was than one, you have inspired me to not only be myself but to love who I am and not care about what others think. You are a very unique, funny, talented and admirable person, I have supported you since 2009 and never stopped. I wanna say I love you so so so so much and please dont let the press get to your head because you beleibers are standing by every step of the way and they will handle them for you.Love you and enjoy the rest of your day.