Just read Fables and Illusions - it’s fantastic and an amazing concept. I’m surprised it hasn’t been done before but I’m glad I stumbled across it. Keep up the brilliant work :).
@Anchen_14 Thank you so much! I'm the type of writer that's so critical of myself, that it really makes my day when someone let's me know that they enjoyed reading something I wrote. And you're on your fourth reread! That's awesome! You didn't just make my day, you've made my year! Thank you!
Hi! I was wondering if you would like to check out my collaboration, Double D's. It's great for laughs and cheese anytime. Any feedback would be great :))
@crazy_girl_reading Thank you! That's always nice to hear. I took a chance writing about Marie, I wasn't sure I could actually make her likable. But the story worked. Thanks for reading!