
          	Rest in Peace Kim Jonghyun. SHINee was/is my ultimate favourite kpop band since I was 14, and to hear about his death genuinely breaks my heart. First, I was in shock and disbelief, thinking it was joke...because this couldn't be real. But it is real. Depression is real and whoever thinks that "You should just get over it" is an idiot. 
          	Struggling with mental health is never fun and seeking help is always, always encouraged. People are there to help even if you don't know it. It has been released that Jonghyun was seeking treatment, and it breaks my heart that he had to resort to suicide to relieve him of his depression. South Korea has one of the top suicide rates in the world and this is because there is a stigma around mental health in Asia, which I absolutely detest. As a Korean, I believe this should change for the new generation that are struggling with themselves, and let them know that their health is more important than anything else, and that there are people who are there to help you. 
          	I'm just deeply saddened by this news and wanted to state my thoughts. If anyone reading this is suffering silently, please seek help. Call a hotline at most if you are not ready to open your mind and heart to family and/or friends. 
          	Please take care of yourselves and you're never alone.


          Rest in Peace Kim Jonghyun. SHINee was/is my ultimate favourite kpop band since I was 14, and to hear about his death genuinely breaks my heart. First, I was in shock and disbelief, thinking it was joke...because this couldn't be real. But it is real. Depression is real and whoever thinks that "You should just get over it" is an idiot. 
          Struggling with mental health is never fun and seeking help is always, always encouraged. People are there to help even if you don't know it. It has been released that Jonghyun was seeking treatment, and it breaks my heart that he had to resort to suicide to relieve him of his depression. South Korea has one of the top suicide rates in the world and this is because there is a stigma around mental health in Asia, which I absolutely detest. As a Korean, I believe this should change for the new generation that are struggling with themselves, and let them know that their health is more important than anything else, and that there are people who are there to help you. 
          I'm just deeply saddened by this news and wanted to state my thoughts. If anyone reading this is suffering silently, please seek help. Call a hotline at most if you are not ready to open your mind and heart to family and/or friends. 
          Please take care of yourselves and you're never alone.


Ok my computer isn't letting me post on people's message boards sooo...THANKS FOR ALL THE FOLLOWERS!! I'll try to update my "Best {Completed} Wattpad Stories" list. (Almost 200!! OMG I LOVE YOU ALL ( ˘ ³˘)♥