Hey so I kinda need advice to anyone who cares to give it and if you want to ignore this that’s fine with me, I just need help on what to do. So there’s this guy that I’ve liked for over a year and we have a special club with 3 other people and we just spend a lot of time outside of school together. But one of my friends that I only met last year(me and the guy have known each other for 4 years and both met her around the same time) likes him too. I haven’t told her that I like him, and she knows him and I are close friends, so she asks me to do stuff for her and tell her what he does. And I don’t want to be a bad friend and be with him or whatever but he doesn’t really seem like he likes her, and it seems that he likes me.
I could just be being selfish but I don’t know...so if you guys could tell me what I should do that would help a lot. Or just what you think about the situation. Thanks you to anyone who read this thing, I’m sorry I just have no idea what to do right now.