@K3NNY-M1LL3R XD Ahahaaha... Omagerd, DAT Batman voice though. *dying* and 4. Lolz
So much lolz. This is what I do
1. Pump da bass up with huge speakers till it shakes.
2. Pretend imma dinosaur 'w' rawr
3. Sleep on da floor
4. Skype loudly with friends and totally ship each other
5. YAOI! 0°0
I'm still pretteh weird :P hehe
@TrustMeMyDear Thanks! c: And it doesn't bother me, this is a list of things I do when I'm home alone:
1. Scare my kittens by using a Batman voice to say "I will eat your soul"
2. Try to song the Shingeki no Kyojin song (which is an epic fail for me)
3. Scream one random word from my favorite song every ten minutes
4. Call into my boyfriend's work and sound Luke a British stripper asking for his D.
Do you still think you are weird? Lol.