
I'm back! Sorry for my absence of updates, I really did intend to notify that I would be gone... But there is a chapter up now! (More explanation in-chapter)


Ayo mate!
          How're ya?


@K3str3l Of course buddy. Given that you got nine thousand reads on your first book, it's clear that a lot of people liked it and a lot of people are interested in it. Whatever you got up next will probably be great as well!


@Blue-Dragon-7 Hii! I just logged into my Wattpad account after six or so months and discovered 318 new notifications! It seems that my books were better received than I anticipated, but I'm still reading through them so I guess I'll see... I've been contemplating posting another book, especially given that people *seemed* to like my other ones, but do you think I should?


Sorry, I know the latest chapter of Age of the Dragons is very late! I have been struggling with Wattpad, which keeps unpublishing my chapter every time I try to publish it! I'll keep struggling with it, but I don't know when the chapter will finally make it up. Until then, sorry!


@K3str3l oh ya i just read that chapter i was really good


@oneMushroom4701 Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it! According to my current story plan, that should slide in the chapter after next (Chapter 43). I'm still really liking that idea, so it'll show up hopefully very soon!


@K3str3l  when are you going to add what i told you...
            i am not pressuring you and if you dont want to do it just tell me, i am fine with that i like the story a lot either way
            but i fyou are going to do it please tell me??


Uhhh.... could someone please tell me HOW THE HECK RETURN OF THE DRAGONS HAS 3K READS?!!! I cannot thank everyone who read my story enough for reading and commenting and voting! (Mostly dragontrainer23 on the latter!) I still can't believe that my writing has been read by anyone. But whoever took the time to humor me, THANK YOU!!!