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I just wanted to say because I felt really fucking bad that I will update more chapters to my stories. Schools just kicking my ass right now yknow? Anyway I also wanted to say I see your comments and I love reading them, so far none of them have ceased to put a smile on my face :))
Anyway funny story that happened today! My mom, brother and I were heading to McDonald's after leaving my grandma's apartment. Were driving down this skinny ass road and up ahead I see this dark lump. I was hella confused and stared at it longer UNTIL I FIGURED OUT WHAT IT WAS! I looked to the side and saw a fucking patterned tail. It was a dead raccoon, and my mother was about to run over it, so you know what I did?
I screamed.
But she had already ran over it while I cried in horror. once my mom asked why the hell I screamed I explained that she ran over a dead raccoon and that she committed over kill. Long story short my mother laughed innocently about it and I laughed in horror as we drove down the highway.