Here's a tip for everyone: Don't look up merch you're not sure about if you want to buy it on black friday


@ KAPOKIKKOTIME  lolololol


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I'm still awake... It's 4:16 and I have to wake up at 9. Not to mention that I need to coock tomorrow, so I'd better be able to function normally. But c'mon can you blame me?? This kdrama is FUCKING ADORABLE. this motherfucker is drunk and the first he tells her is that he loves her.... My hart...it just explodesssssss the whole timeeee. Just... Just marry already, so I can sleep peacefully . My hart can't take this...
          I can't stop watching. I need to see it 'till the end rn... But this episode is an hour long... Shhiiitttt




I did it... I ended up watching a kdrama... I really like it, I've been watching this since last night, I stayed up until 3am (whut a surprise)  to keep watching (I wasn't finished, but I felt like I needed to be a bit healthy for a change) I found this through an add. I was just casually on yt when out of the blue this trailer played before the vid I wanted to watch. Now look, the trailer was so damn hilarious that I went to check it out... I'm obsessed with this. I don't know if I'm going to watch other kdrama's because of this, cause I still need to find those in some way, but if anyone has a recommendation... I'm listening. Btw, the kdrama I'm watching rn is: 'What's wrong with secretary Kim?' ,https://www.viki.com/videos/1133753v-whats-wrong-with-secretary-kim-episode-1
          Ok I'm done with spamming now.


@SEOKTIME XD, we can die happily together now XD XD


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Ok, I'm butthurt rn XD sorry, but nobody's gonna see this anyway, so Imma say it anyway: I'm sick of people saying they can't discriminate or be racist or sexist or hoophobique/retrophobique because they're in the minority.... You're fucking kidding me right? So... If a woman says: "All man are dumb." That's not sexistic because they're in the minoriry??? Because they've been oppressed for so many years??? (still are oppressed in parts of the world) Really?? That's ridiculous. If I'm in my country, and someone with another nationality tells me in my own country that all people with my nationality suck that isn't racist? Because they are in the minority? Ok... People grow the fuck up and learn to see that discrimination, racism, sexism... Etc. Can go both ways. Cause I'm sick of hearing that people shouldn't get butt hurt because the person who said it had the 'right' to do so... having been oppressed isn't a valid reason to shit on an entire group. I mean, I get why you'd do that. But then don't tell the people who get mad about that comment to not be butt hurt. Especially when you know that if such a comment would be made the other way around the whole world would be shitting on the person who made the comment. 
          I'm sorry, I just got a bit butt hurt over a comment I saw somewhere XD usually I don't get this butt hurt over things on the internet... But I thought that this needed to be said  have a nice day further


@ Thepinkpotato  my butthurt ass spilled the tea XD


@ CHERISHTIME  too bad though. Even though most people aren't stupid it seems as if you only hear about the ones who are


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Tokyo Ghoul se 4 is absolute shit... Idk how to deal with this??? Now I need to buy the manga... I'm going to spend too much money on weeb shit...


@ Thepinkpotato  such a late reaction though
            I gave up on the Tokyo ghoul anime by now
            My parents also got mad when I wanted to buy Tokyo ghoul manga so that's not gonna happen either anytime soon 
            Just a little update on the current situation. 


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@KAPOKIKKOTIME weeb shit- SKSKS I’m wheezing what a m o o d 


I'm at song 42 from the 144 (The first video is 18 songs long, so actually 162) but I'm just dead at this point, I'm gonna study more tomorrow, cause I'm... Nope... It's 1:25, I'm surprised I actually put up with this for so long... Ah well, Imma sleep, sweet dreams everyone (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


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I wonder since when I started to study... This year is fucking with me, and I don't enjoy it...


Just found out that tokyo mew mew came out before I was born... And mermaid melody the year I was born... Why did I watch those old things?? No wonder I thought ro-kyu-bu was new... I wonder when Karin was made?? Most people probably have no clue what I'm talking about XD