@EasyEz wow that is freaky. I am afraid of clowns


@KATTYLULU13 Uhm, I remembered a dream when I was little that I was in this UNDERWATER KINGDOM..
          Then.. uhmm, there were gigantic bubbles in this ruined temple. And if you touch it, it will burst and kill you... so uhm, I guess I touched it in my nightmare and I slowly started to suffocate.
          But then I survived so ... yeah, then I continued "swimming" around when I saw this killer mermaid then she raced after me.. She had these sharp teeth and all.
          I was a peculiar child. xP But yeah, that was one of my nightmares. :P


@FutureMrsStyles69 your welcome. 
          Do you have any questions to the paranormal? Are you interested in the paranormal?
          Ii am writing a Paranormal Magazine, about the paranormal.
          Also do you have nightmares? I am also writing a book about this girl who has nightmares, then one day, she gets kidnapped and taken to this warehouse where she has to go there these obstacles, themed about her nightmares