
That was supposed to be love heart...


I had to post this to your wall cause it's not letting me send it as a message. Sorry about that.
          Here is the introduction section:
          <a href="http://s1151.beta.photobucket.com/user/Alyssa_R900/media/hglc_zps29bd064f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o624/Alyssa_R900/hglc_zps29bd064f.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo hglc_zps29bd064f.jpg"/></a>
          <center><blockquote style="background-color #000000;"><font face="Century Gothic">
          <font color=" #FFFFFF;"><font face="=Century Gothic">Welcome to Happy Go Lucky Covers and Graphics!
          <font color=" #FF0040;"><font face="Century Gotic">Here we have 5 awesome people making covers, banners, profile pics and more!
          <font color=" #FE2EC8;"><font face="Century Gothic">The staff:
          <font color=" #9A2EFE;"><font face="Century Gotic">Niamisreal23
          <font color=" #2E2EFE;"><font face="=Century Gothic">ForeverDreamingTW
          <font color=" #2EFEF7;"><font face="Century Gotic">KB123456789
          <font color=" #9AFE2E;"><font face="Century Gotic">Listener00
          <font color=" #FACC2E;"><font face="Century Gotic">MrsNikkiHoran