My darling fans, Looks May Deceive You and Darkness Will Destroy you have officially been removed from the internet! But fret not. The whole series is in the processes of being published, so be on the look out for Looks May Deceive You by Shae Flare on a bookshelf near you!


My darling fans, Looks May Deceive You and Darkness Will Destroy you have officially been removed from the internet! But fret not. The whole series is in the processes of being published, so be on the look out for Looks May Deceive You by Shae Flare on a bookshelf near you!


Hello? Hello, hello? Kinky here! I'm in search of followers who are artists and would like to draw fan art of the cast of "Looks May Deceive You" and "Darkness will destroy you". I plan to create an amv using them, giving credit to all artists of course. I'm hoping this will get attention and recognition for both the stories and underappreciated artists out there! 


this message may be offensive
Good afternoon, my beloved followers! I'm sorry for this unexpected lull in content as my computer has, how you say, "shit the bed" and no longer functions. I hope to soon be able to return to my work but I doubt that it will be anytime in the near future. This unexpected happenstance has been rather inconvenient but once I have acquired new equipment I will return to it posthaste as well as give you a wonderful video to watch on my channel. For now, rest and read what has already been written for you.