
Hello everyone! I apologize for my inconsistent posting and lack of posting at all. I do have ideas, but when it comes to expressing them in writing it can be difficult sometimes. I’m striving to do better and to post more, so I hope you’ll stick around 


Hello everyone! I apologize for my inconsistent posting and lack of posting at all. I do have ideas, but when it comes to expressing them in writing it can be difficult sometimes. I’m striving to do better and to post more, so I hope you’ll stick around 


I know it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted anything, but I’ve returned! I will be continuing Apocalypse by Nine, as well as two other stories. Because we are all in self quarantine due to the coronavirus, I will have more time to work on my stories.
          I hope everyone is doing well, and have a good day!


You know you are a good drawer so don’t lie to them


They aren’t that good, though. I promise; if you’d seen all of the failed OC art I’ve tried making, you’d know why I say I can’t draw, lol.


Yes and they are way better then mine


Lol, have you seen my drawings?? XD